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Pregnancy And Coronavirus

CollageCenter • Mar 28, 2020

We’re living in a really weird time right now. Most of us are hunkered down in our homes, only going out for the absolute essentials. We’re working from home, putting on a real shirt with our pajama bottoms to have Zoom meetings or Zoom classes. We’re binge-watching everything we ever wanted to watch on Netflix and even a few things we don’t want to watch – because what else is there to do? We’re calling grocery stores to see if they’ve restocked the toilet paper so we know whether to make the trip out or not. Life is definitely weird and surreal. 

Life is also a bit scary right now. People are making protective masks out of bandanas and rubber bands. We’re disinfecting all the things we order from Amazon before we open them. Each day, we’re logging onto the Internet or turning on the TV and watching the numbers of people infected with Covid-19 rise. 

This is scary for healthy people in the best of circumstances. But it’s even more scary for people with suppressed immune systems or people with pre-existing health conditions. And if you’re pregnant, you might be really scared about what Coronavirus or Covid-19 means for you. 

Are pregnant women more at risk of getting Covid-19? 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we just don’t know. This strand of Coronavirus is new, so we aren’t sure whether pregnant women have a bigger chance of getting sick with Covid-19. 

We do know that pregnancy changes women’s bodies in ways that increase the chance of getting infections in general, and we know that pregnant women are more likely to get severely sick with other viral respiratory infections (like influenza). So it’s important for pregnant women to try to avoid any illness, including Covid-19. 

How can pregnant women protect themselves from getting Covid-19? 

Pregnant women protect themselves from this virus the same way the general public protects itself. 

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds 
  • If you can’t wash your hands, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Avoid touching your face – your eyes, your nose, your mouth
  • Practice social distancing – stay at least 6 feet from anyone who is sick or who may be sick
  • Stay home as much as possible and don’t invite people into your home 
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces 

Can Covid-19 cause problems during a pregnancy? 

Because this strand of the virus is so new, we just don’t know yet. We do know that extreme stress during pregnancy can result in preterm labor or low birth weight, so it’s important that you find ways to stay calm and not allow fear about the Coronavirus to cause extreme stress and anxiety. Though it’s perfectly normal to be concerned, you can find ways to take care of yourself and your mental health during this disease outbreak. 

Things you can do to help lower your stress and manage your anxiety: 

  • Limit your intake of the news. Maybe allow yourself to watch or read the news no more than two times each day – enough to be informed but not enough to let it consume you.
  • Flip the scary statistics — if the death rate for Covid-19 in the United States is just about 1.4%, that means over 98% of people who get the illness will recover and be fine. That’s a huge majority. 
  • Take care of your body – stretch, exercise, get some sunshine and fresh air, eat healthy foods.
  • Do something you enjoy – start a craft project, have a dance party in the living room, watch a movie, read a book, Facetime with friends. Whatever brings you joy – make time for that every day.
  • Talk to friends or a mental health professional – talk to someone about your anxiety. Maybe talking to friends is enough or maybe teleconferencing with a mental health professional will help.
  • Maintain a routine. Keeping a routine can be calming. 
  • Meditate or pray – whatever can help center your mind and calm your soul.

These are weird and scary times, for sure. And it’s very normal for you to be concerned about your own health and about your baby. So take precautions and protect yourself. Then do what you can to choose peace of mind – because that’s just as important for you and your baby. 

If we can help answer any questions or if you just need someone to listen to your concerns, please call. We’re here for you. 

02 May, 2024
Chances are, if you're reading this, you're walking through a time of significant decision-making. If abortion is an option you're considering, it's critical to learn all you can about how it works and the risks to ensure you're making a fully informed decision. This article will highlight the essentials you need to know about abortion and the potential immediate risks. But if you’re looking to talk to someone about your pregnancy options or learn more about free support resources, contact Collage today to schedule a free, confidential appointment. How Does Abortion Work? There are two types of abortion: medical and surgical. Medical abortion relies on taking medication to induce abortion. The most common is the abortion pill, which uses a combination of two drugs. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the progesterone hormone that is needed for a pregnancy to continue, which ultimately results in the embryo’s death. The second drug, misoprostol, causes your uterus to contract, expelling the pregnancy out of your vagina. Surgical abortion is the process of dilating (opening up) your cervix so that medical instruments can enter your uterus to terminate and remove the pregnancy. Earlier in pregnancy, suction and scraping tools are used, while later in pregnancy, forceps are used to remove fetal parts. What Are the Risks of Abortion? Abortion, like any medical or surgical procedure, carries several different risks. Due to the fact that many women don’t report their abortion, there is limited information about complications, but the resources available report some of the following risks and side effects: Medical Abortion: • Incomplete or failed abortion • Heavy and prolonged bleeding • Undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy • Infection • Fever • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea Surgical Abortion: • Incomplete abortion • Bleeding • Infection • Organ damage How Can I Protect My Health? No matter what option you’re considering, an ultrasound is the only way to confirm if a pregnancy is viable, meaning it’s located in the uterus (not ectopic) and if a heartbeat can be detected. It also lets you know exactly how far along your pregnancy is. This is important to determine which type of abortion would be an option for you. At Collage, we offer free, limited ultrasounds because we believe you deserve to have access to the information you need to protect your health. If your pregnancy test is positive at our center, after a brief medical assessment, we’ll determine if we can offer you an ultrasound. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment. You’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.
19 Apr, 2024
Let's talk about dating in our world, where filters and avatars dominate the scene.
05 Apr, 2024
Let's have an honest talk about something crucial but often overlooked: understanding potential exposures to sexually transmitted diseases, sometimes referred to as infections (STD/STIs). Have you ever wondered, "How many people have I really been exposed to?" It's a valid question, especially when it comes to protecting your sexual health. You might assume that since you've only had sex with a few partners, you haven't been exposed much. But the reality is more complex than that. It's easy to underestimate how quickly potential exposures can add up. Even if you've only had a few partners, each person you're exposed to has a unique sexual history. The potential for indirect exposure from your partners can quickly grow. This is a sobering thought, but it highlights the importance of knowing your status and how to prevent exposure. Here’s a tool to learn the number of possible exposures you’ve had: . So, how can you use this information to protect yourself? Recognize that the most effective method of preventing STDs entirely is to refrain from sexual activity. Additionally, being in a mutually monogamous relationship, like marriage, will ensure you won’t contract an STD. Understand that communication is key. Statistics reveal that individuals aged 15 to 24 represent 50% of all new STD cases, stressing the importance of honest discussions with your partners about sexual history and making informed decisions regarding your sexual health. 1 Get tested. The CDC recommends getting tested annually if you aren’t in a mutually monogamous relationship, meaning you or your partner have had other partner(s). 2 Many STDs don't show symptoms right away, so you might not even know you're infected. Getting tested can help you detect infections early and get the treatment you need. At Collage, we offer testing and treatment for both chlamydia and gonorrhea at no cost to you. We want to do what we can to equip you to make informed decisions because together, we can reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and live healthier lives.
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